Solicitor’s Permit

Before Solicitor Permits (ID cards) can be issued, a completed application must be submitted for each individual requestor. Please ensure that you bring the completed application, a valid driver’s license or State ID, and the necessary payment to the Oberlin Police Department. We accept payment in the form of cash, checks, or money orders. During this process, we will also capture a photograph of the applicant for the ID card.

If you have provided valid phone numbers and driver’s license numbers, your ID card should be ready within 48 hours. Please note that processing times are from Monday to Friday, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For individuals with out-of-state driver’s licenses, there may be an additional processing time required beyond the initial 48 hours. After this period, please contact Administrative Coordinator Wey to inquire about the status of your Permit (ID card).

It’s important to highlight that ID cards will only be issued to individuals who appear in person at the police station.

View Oberlin Municipal Code, Chapter 751
Fill Out Application


One Day
One Week
One Month
Three Months
Six Months
One Year
Charitable organizations are exempt from paying the registration fee as defined by Code 751.03(c). A fee of $2.00 is required for the registration certificate identification card, including for those associated with charitable organizations, as stipulated by Code 751.03(d).